About Bill

Bill at work, with a dog, and playing drums

Creating meaningful experiences for an impatient world

Bill Mcindoo is a holistic designer,

user advocate, UI developer, digital journey builder, and part-time video editor. Now in Memphis, TN, Bill relocated from the Bay Area where he branded Stanford’s new digital ResX experience and led numerous design thinking sessions in conjunction with the D.school.

Currently Bill plies his trade at FedEx leading a UX team. As a design strategist advisor, his team includes researchers and designers creating best-in-class experiences for FedEx’s customers, large and small. Always with an eye on the future, integration and modernization of applications is at the forefront of his work. 


Bill was certified as a usability analysis expert by HFI, has been recognized regionally and nationally by AAF, and was on the team that won three CLIO’s for WWII, Through Russian Eyes. When not working, Bill loves playing soccer, building Chrome extensions, championing children’s rights, and being the father of three dogs (and three boys) and the husband of a talented and magnanimous Episcopalian priest.