
During the pandemic, Stanford University undertook a complete reorganization of the residential environment. Research exposed a need for more guidance in residential environments for students. Along with academic guidance, students also needed access to career education.


Through our user research, we determined that students wanted to remain with their first year dorm-mates throughout their time at Stanford. We concentrated majors near their academic buildings and staffed career and academic advisors on a rotating basis. 


This also allowed for more flexible study hours, integration into campus activities, and emergency response protocols.

Stanford neighborhood map


Digital communication was a key element to the roll out plan for ResX. We needed to ensure that every student was aware of these changes and validate that awareness. To do this, we built a new website to house all of the pertinent information. We partnered with LiveSafe to build a notification system that students had to interact with, stating the name of their new dorm to return to campus.



These initiatives were coupled with the COVID return to campus protocols. The network had to be equitable and dynamic to meet the needs of the whole student body while ensuring that the communications were received. 

ResEd website